Esencialmente humano

Prime Time

Nota: Amigos hispanos he decidido incluir algunos artículos muy interesantes en Ingles, para algunos visitantes de Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, el crecimiento personal es para nosotros los humanos y eso no tiene geografía.   Gracias  José Goyo  



Start Living in Prime Time – By Denis Waitley ***

Prime time is that period between 6 and 10 p.m. during which most of the general public watches television. Commercials in prime time are the most expensive, approaching a million dollars per minute. Your real success in life will take a quantum leap when you stop watching other people making monëy in their professions performing in prime time, and start living your own dreams and goals in prime time.

Time is the ultimate equal opportunity employer. Time nevër stops to rest, nevër hesitates, nevër looks forward or backward. Life’s raw material spends itself in the nöw, this moment, which is why how you spend your time is far more important than all the material possessions you may own or positions you may obtain.

Positions change, possessions come and go, you can earn more monëy. You can renew your supply of many things, but like good health, that other most precious resource, time spent is gone forever.

Each yesterday, and all of them together, are beyond your control. Literally all the monëy in the world can’t undo or redo a single act you performed. You cannot erase a single word you said. You can’t add an "I love you," "I’m sorry," or "I forgive you," not even a "thank you" you forgot to say. Each human being in every hemisphere and time zone has precisely 168 hours a week to spend. And some of the most precious hours occur in prime time.

Consider this: most of your daytime hours are spent helping other people solve their problems. The little time you have in the evenings and on weekends is all you have to spend on yourself, on your own dreams and goals, and personal development. Some thoughts to ponder:

* Have supper with your loved ones at least two to three times per week. It’s the best time for casual conversation to listen to what those close to you feel is important in their lives. Mealtime is a time for dialogue.

* A television set is an appliance. It should be used, at most, for two hours at a time. It should be off, unless specific programs of interest are selected. It should not be used as a one-eyed babysitter. For the most part, TV exposes us to negative role models.

* Instead of watching television, why not read a good fiction or nonfiction book, write a letter, engage in a hobby or craft, call a friend or someone in need of encouragement on the phöne, network on your computer, go out to an ethnic restaurant, a home show, an entrepreneurial show, a musical recital, a play, a fitness class, or cultural event? Take an art or photography class. Use prime time to live the kind of life others put on layaway.

Action Idea: If you and your family/friends watch TV, try not turning it on for one week. When you do watch TV, reduce by 50% the amount of time you spend watching it. Concentrate your evenings and frëe time engaged in hands-on, real-life experiences that you can touch, feel, smell and engage all your senses in. Instead of virtual reality, insist on the real thing.

About the Author:
Denis Waitley is one of America’s most respected authors, keynote lecturers and productivity consultants on high performänce human achievement. He has inspired, informed, challenged, and entertained audiences for over 25 years from the boardrooms of multi-national corporations to the control rooms of NASA’s space program.

For more on Denis, visit

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